Posted 1/29/2013
1 ¶ I have a special concern for you church leaders. I know what it’s like to be a leader, in on Christ’s sufferings as well as the coming glory.2 Here’s my concern: that you care for God’s flock with all the diligence of a shepherd. Not because you have to, but because you want to please God. Not calculating what you can get out of it, but acting spontaneously.3 Not bossily telling others what to do, but tenderly showing them the way.4 When God, who is the best shepherd of all, comes out in the open with his rule, he’ll see that you've done it right and commend you lavishly.5 ¶ And you who are younger must follow your leaders. But all of you, leaders and followers alike, are to be down to earth with each other, for—God has had it with the proud, But takes delight in just plain people.6 So be content with who you are, and don’t put on airs. God’s strong hand is on you; he’ll promote you at the right time.DEVOTIONAL: “ADVICE FOR CHRISTIAN LEADERS AND FOLLOWERS”
Being a church leader is a calling. There are multiple jobs in a church and they are equally important. I praise God for my Sunday School teachers through my childhood and teen years. My 50 years of pastoring and evangelizing reflect their skill in teaching. A leader must realize the privilege of caring for God’s flock and how it pleases God. To you preachers these scriptures discuss caring for the flock with tenderness of the Good Shepherd. We need to look at our responsibilities as opportunities to represent our Lord and not to look at them as a job. Followers and leaders need to be down to earth and not impressed with themselves. We must be down to earth with each other. Do you feel God’s strong hand on and do you know that God has an assignment and plans to give you a promotion. I want to work for Jesus until He says well done my good and faithful messenger, Come Home! God help us to carry out our individual assignment of service. AMEN.
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